How to Update Status on Google+, Facebook and Twitter at Once

Kumar Info City
As there are many Social Networking websites out there, you might be using more than one. It’s not bad to use multiple social networking website as they all are helpful because they provide slightly different user experience. The toughest part is to manage all of them.
If only there was a way to update all your social networking in one go, life would have be simpler.
Tweetdeck and Hootsuit are two awesome twitter clients that support Facebook as well. Which mean you can update your Twitter and Facebook in one go.
While there are various way to update status messages or share content between Twitter and Facebook, sadly they don’t support updating Google+ which is the hottest Social Network from Google.
There is a way to update all these three Social networking websites in one go. You will have to use Google+ to update your Facebook and it will update your twitter as well.
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Google+ lets users to share status updates to specific emails as well. And Facebook provides a unique email address to update. Sharing updates from Facebook to Twitter is easy and can be done by using an app.

Link Facebook to Twitter

Open Facebook on your PC and go to Facebook to Twitter app. Sign in with Twitter credentials and your Facebook is not liked with Twitter.

Find the unique email address in Facebook

  1. From your mobile browser, log in on
  2. Click Photo under the space to type a status update
  3. Underneath “Upload via Email” you’ll see a unique email address
Status updates or photos you send to this email address will be published directly onto your Facebook account, so don’t share it with anyone else.

Add Facebook unique email address to Google+

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Just like you put your Circles whom you want to share your posts, put the unique email address you got from Facebook and you are good to go.

Now that your Facebook is linked to Twitter also, you can Write status messages directly in Google+ which will get shared to both Facebook and Twitter.

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