Identity theft happens, and it could happen to you. Since 2001 there have been over 3,000,000 identity theft complaints. Here is some specific data from the Federal Trade Commission's Annual Consumer Sentinal Report: It is interesting to note that year after year the largest groups targeted by identiy theives are the working aged population as well as kids under 18. If you are worried about it here are some links that you can use to better educate yourself: How to protect yourself?OK, what can the average citizen do to protect themselves? Here are some ideas:
What do you do if you think your idenity has been stolen?Learn more here: |
PRACTICE ACTIVITY: Just take a moment to inventory what information about yourself you gave out in the past week, or the past month. Is there anything else you could be doing to protect your identity?
TO KEEP ON LEARNING: To find more about identity theft try searching the internet for:
How identity theft works
Protecting your identity Protecting your credit rating Free credit report |
How to Prevent Identity Thefy
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