If you have high educational qualification and want to make money by teaching online, this article can help you to find online teaching jobs. In this article, I'm going to tell you about some very useful sites which help students and teachers. If you register your account as an online tutor on any of these sites, you can make easy money by teaching students or solving problems. Okay check out these useful sites.
1. Tutorvista - Tutorvista is one of the best websites for online teaching jobs. If you are skilled teacher and looking for online teaching jobs to make money from your home, you can join this site to get easy online teaching jobs. The site has large network of students and online tutors that can help you make decent money using your internet connection. You can join this site as a full time or part time online tutor.
Tutorvista currently has more than 2000 tutors and the site needs hundreds of online tutors to teach US students different subjects such as Math, Physics, Chemistry , Biology and English. If you think, you can teach any of these subjects to high school or college students, you can join this site free of cost.
2. Tutor - If you are looking for a great part time online tutoring job, Tutor.com could be the best option for you that helps online tutors to make money by teaching students online. The site currently has more than 2500 expert teachers. Great site that helps online tutors get online teaching jobs.
The site needs teachers in these subjects- Accounting ,Statistics ,Calculus ,Chemistry , College Statistics, Economics , Finance , Physics . If you have good knowledge in any of these subjects, you can apply for online teaching job. Most of chemistry tutors earn $800 to $1600 by working as part time tutors. Great site for qualified tutors.
3. Transtutors - Transtutors is one of the most visited online teaching portals where you find over than two million students and 20000 tutors. The site helps students get answers of their questions and teachers to make money by answering questions. The site has very simple rule, students ask questions, tutors give answers and get paid for solutions. The site also has a useful section where you can answer question and earn money. Usually you can earn $3 per answer. Very useful site for online tutoring jobs.
4. Buddyschool - BuddySchool is one of the best site to find online teaching jobs.The site has a great network of qualified teachers who help students. If you also want to make money by teaching students, you can join the site free of cost. Although BuddySchool take annual fee $10 for activating your tutor profile but registration is totally free. After activating your account, you can set your tuition fee, educational qualification and other useful information in your profile so that students can contact your for online tuition.
5. Myprivatetutor ( Only for Indians ) - If you are an Indian and looking for online teaching jobs or home teaching jobs, this web portal is the best option for you. MyPrivateTutor helps students find teachers, allows teachers find tutoring jobs and helps institution market their online classes. Great site that could be very useful for students, teachers and institutions.
Although I've listed here only popular sites, but before joining any of these sites, you must check their FAQ and Terms & Conditionssections to get full information about payment policy and payment method.