
Kumar Info City
Asana name: Lotus Balance Pose

Sanskrit name: Tolangulasan

Meaning: Lotus Balance Pose

General Benefits:
Tones the abdominal organs, strengthens the shoulders, back and neck and opens up the chest.

Benefits for Women:

Therapeutic Applications:

Taking the Position:
In sitting position spread your legs a little more than hip-width apart. Bend one leg and place it on the opposite thigh. Bend the other leg and place it on the opposite thigh. Place the hands on the ground, by the side of the hips. Slowly lean backwards and place the elbows on the ground. Form fists with the hands and place the fists, under the buttocks. Exhale and while inhaling, lift the Padmasana at 45 degrees to the ground, balancing the body on the fists and lower arms. Breathe normally.

Releasing the Positions:
Inhale and while exhaling, slowly release the legs to the the ground. While inhaling, raise the back up with the support of the hands. Release the hands and straighten the legs, one after the other. Place your palms beside your hips and return to sitting position. Shake your legs and relax.

Anatomical Focus:
Strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

Anatomical Awareness:
On maintaining balance by focusing on a fixed point.

Keep the back straight, keep the head erect and the chest open.

Tilt the head back.

Precautions & Contraindications:
People with weak abdominal muscles or those suffering from colitis should not perform this asana without expert guidance and supervision.

Variations & Tips:
If you are not able to come into Padmasana, you may perform this asana with the legs crossed.

Preparatory Poses:
Naukasana (supine).

Follow-up Poses:
Utthita Padmasana, Kukkutasana


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