Sharanagata Mudra

Kumar Info City
Ardhamatsyendrasana (half spinal twist)

Asana name: Surrender Pose

Sanskrit name: Sharanagat Mudra

Meaning: Surrender Pose

General Benefits:
Pressure on the internal organs increases the blood circulation to those areas and improves their functioning. This posture develops the attitude of surrender which has an effect on an emotional level. Applies pressure to the intestines, liver, spleen and other internal organs increasing the blood circulation to those areas and therefore improving their function. Regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. Tones the pelvic muscles and the sciatic nerves. Alleviates disorders of the female and male reproductive organs. Helps eliminate anger and is very cooling for the brain. Relieves constipation. Stretches the hip and knee joints. Over a long time it can help to awaken the kundalini shakti.

Benefits for Women:

Therapeutic Applications:
Weak digestive system, anger management.

Taking the Position:
In sitting position bend the legs into cross-legged position or ideally come into Padmasan - lotus pose by spreading your legs a little more than hip-width apart. Bend one leg and place it on the opposite thigh. Bend the other leg and place it on the opposite thigh. Exhale and while inhaling raise the hands upward from the sides and join the palms. While exhaling bend forward bringing the forehead to the floor, keeping the arms straight over the head. Maintain the position, breathe normally.

Releasing the Positions:
Exhale and while inhaling straighten the body from the hips, raising the arms. Exhaling lower the arms from the sides. Release and straighten the legs, one after the other, and place the palms by your sides returning to sitting position.

Anatomical Focus:
Abdomen, lower back, knees.

Anatomical Awareness:
Focus on abdomen, lower back.

Sit in Swastikasana or cross legged position if you are not comfortable in Padmasana. Touch the forehead on the ground by bending forward in the waist. Keep the hands in Namaskar position on the ground, head between the arms.

Lift the buttocks off the ground. Bend the elbows. Overstrain the knees.

Precautions & Contraindications:
Those with weak knee joints should practice with caution.

Variations & Tips:
Only bend as far forward as is comfortable. If you cannot place the forehead on the floor either use a cushion or let the head be relaxed. If it is difficult to sit in Padmasan then sit in any other cross legged position and if that is hard then sit in Vajrasan. Have the feeling that you are letting go, either to a God, Guru, Supreme Energy, Mother Nature or to yourself. You should have in your mind something that resonates with you, it is a very personal thing. It is often done at the end of class and can also be as a thank you to hat higher energy or to yourself.

Preparatory Poses:

Follow-up Poses:


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