Adho Mukha Shwanasan

Kumar Info City
Asana name: Downward Facing Dog Pose

Sanskrit name: Adho Mukha Shwanasan

Meaning: Downward Facing Dog

General Benefits:
Removes fatigue, exhaustion and energizes the body. Good for runners, brings lightness to the legs. Pain and stiffness in heels can be removed. Stiffness in the region of the shoulder blade is removed and any arthritis. This brings good shape to the legs. Brings ample blood supply to the brain cells and rejuvenates them. It is also useful for the kidneys & Low blood pressure. Develop speed and lightness in the legs, heels and ankles. Strengthen legs. Abdominal muscles are drawn towards spine and strengthened. It also gives many benefits of Shirshasana, Invigorates the brain by reliving fatigue. Strengthen the muscles of arms. Removes excess fats around the waist.

Benefits for Women:

Therapeutic Applications:
Back pain, Neck pain

Taking the Position:
In prone position, place your palms next to your chest, elbows pointing up, raise the heels so the toes are erect, and lift the hips and abdomen up into Ashtanga - eight parts pose. Inhale and while exhaling push the body up into plank pose - body in a straight line, gaze forwards, with hands under the shoulders. Inhale and while exhaling raise the hips and push the body backward lowering the heels towards the ground. Tuck the chin in towards the chest push the forehead down towards the floor. Breathe deeply while you maintain the asana.

Releasing the Positions:
Inhale and while exhaling lower the hips until the body is in a straight line, returning to plank position. Bring the knees, chest and forehead to the ground into Ashtanga - eight parts pose. Release hips and abdomen to the ground, place the arms by your sides and chin on the ground, returning to prone position. Relax.

Anatomical Focus:
Shoulders, hamstrings, lower back.

Anatomical Awareness:
Focus on upperback, shoulders, thighs and hamstrings.



Precautions & Contraindications:
Heart disease, High BP, vertebrae trouble, slipped disc, sacral infection, sciatica, ear trouble, weak eye capillaries, severe asthma, pituitary or thyroid trouble, thrombosis and vertigo.

Variations & Tips:

Follow-up Poses:


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