That's right, fed up of your boring profile pic for your facebook account. Then change to a welcome video of yours. No wonder there are many creative heads and ideas like this for facebook.
In very simple steps, lets make this happen.
Step1: Log into your facebook account.
Step2: Visit the application which is provided by Flipsg. Click here: FlipSG
Step3: Choose the pulgin for your respective browser.
Step4: Then the pulgin installs and asks you allow then to restart your browser, in my case I have used Mozilla Browser.
Step5: You need authorize this app to access your profile information. Click here
Step6: Facebook will ask you to login into credentials with your flipsg profile view enabled. And allow this app to access your profile.
Step7: Now to have a video, you need to either have a flipvideo or you use another way which I recommend. You need is Profile maker app. Limitations your video quality might vary if you dont use flipvideo.
Step8: You have two option for creating a video, either using Webcam or a video whose size limit is 10mb.
Step9.1: Using webcam as its pretty fast. Click on Webcam part. The Adobe flash setting asks you to allow access of your webcam. Then, RECORD - STOP/PLAY - UPLOAD!
Step9.2: Using uploading method, it will ask for video file path. Make sure that the video is of highest quality, short, and is less than 10MB. Supported formats are flv, mp4, mov, mpg, wmv, ovi, 3gp.
Step10: GREET your friends with a warm video welcome! View you Profile for a preview.