Table of contents is a great widget to show all of your posts in one page.This widget also shows a small new button which indicates that the post is new.The main script behind this widget was given by abu-farhan so I gave all credits to abu-farhan sir.Now lets see how to add this widget to blogger.You can add it on new page also you can add it in your blogger posts.I am giving a live demo at the bottom of page....
How To Add Table Of Contents Widget To Your Blog ?
You can add this as a new page or you can publish it via your post,Choose as you wish.Now let's go to coding part.
Copy this code and put it in your blog post or new page. (Note - This widget updates automatically as you publish posts on your blog)
Copy this code and put it in your blog post or new page. (Note - This widget updates automatically as you publish posts on your blog)
<script src="">
c="" type="text/javascript">
<script sr
c="" type="text/javascript">
<script sr